How to send us care packages?

We will be replenishing our food and supplies along the Appalachian Trail, which goes through or near several towns.  With the help of our wonderful family and friends, we will be picking up food boxes at a few town post offices along the trail.

We would love to hear from family, friends, and well-wishers during our adventure.  You can send us letters and care packages along the way.  To make sure your package or letter arrives in time for us to get it, please check the blog to find out our current location and the nearest mail drop spot.  You can also send us e-mail at

It is important that you tell us if you send us something so we know to look out for it.  Otherwise, we may not check the post office at a given stop.  Also, it would be really helpful if you let us know ahead of time if you plan to send something as we can only carry so much and supplies may need to be coordinated. If there might be something perishable, that would also be good to know so we don't "bounce" a box we shouldn't.
  1. Send via USPS Priority Mail: (Please do not use FedEx or UPS.)
    • Shippers can send packages to be held securely for pickup for up to 15 days at designated post offices.
    • Priority packages can be forwarded if they are unopened.  This is called "bouncing" a box to a future stop.
  2. Print address and return address clearly on Priority Mail labels.  It may be helpful to include your phone number.
  3. Do NOT include the words "General Delivery" on a package to any location other than a post office; it will never leave the post office.
  4. Write "Hold for AT Hiker: Grant Farmer - ETA XX/XX" on package.
Here's an example:
General Delivery
Damascus, VA
Hold for AT hiker Grant Farmer ETA 12/7

For more information on how to send packages, go here.

The list of post offices that are along the trail (we won't stop at every one) can be found here.  We also may use non-post offices addresses and will post those when applicable. We will try to keep the blog updated with our next stops and ETAs.